Tea: Jasmine Green Tea

A Jasmine Tea from Trader Joe's

Picture of Jasmine Green Tea
Brand:Trader Joe's
Style:Jasmine Tea
# Ratings:4 View All

Review of Jasmine Green Tea

5 of 103 of 54 of 560 of 100
FairFairGood Value

Admittedly I've only tried two jasmine green teas so far--Twinings and Trader Joe's, and I thought Twinings was beyond lame. So I may be too jaded by a crappy experience with another brand. That said...

By comparison, TJ's is much more flavorful and "jasminy", but it could be far stronger still both for the base tea and for the jasmine. I've had 5-7 bags so far. It is well-balanced and tasty, but even after brewing for what seems like forever, this one still tastes a little on the weak side. I get the best experience by brewing two bags in one cup. Ratchet up the torque on it, TJ! There's a lot of potential here, but it's only about 60% home so far.

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