Reviewer: Tchuggin' Okie

✓ 409 teas reviewed
✓ 3 of Sencha
✓ 25 of Green Tea
✓ 3 of SPAR
✓ 7 from Japan
Review of Natur Pur Bio-Grüner Sencha Tee
March 16th, 2017
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
5 of 10 | 4 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 60 of 100 |
Fair | Good | Good Value |
Not being experienced specifically with Sencha varieties of green tea, I didn't know what to expect when grabbing a box of this to bring home from Austria. [This tea is sold in SPAR supermarkets, fairly ubiquitous over a lot of Europe and available online.]
I just figured, "organic green tea, should be good". And it is: good, not great, not bad. Unlike their "Bergkräuter" herbal blend, for which I had no choice but to write a decidedly unflattering review, this was reasonably satisfying. The low mark comes from its very weak aroma, both in-bag and in-cup. There's also a hint of grassiness or haystraw flavor, especially in the aftertaste. But the overall flavor was fairly rich and smooth and easy on tongue and throat...the color less yellow and more pale green than shown on the bag. If on vacation or multi-day business travel in Europe and hitting SPAR for groceries, you certainly could do worse than to buy some to drink while there. Still, save the room in your suitcase: there are better green teas readily available here in the U.S.