Tea: Serenity
An Herbal Tea from Heavenly Tea Leaves - Organic
Brand: | Heavenly Tea Leaves |
Style: | Herbal Tea |
Region: | Blend |
Caffeine: | Caffeine Free |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Product page: | Serenity |
Reviewer: Alex Zorach

✓ 1453 teas reviewed
✓ 183 of Herbal Tea
✓ 4 of Heavenly Tea Leaves
✓ 317 of blends
Review of Serenity
May 27th, 2017
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
9 of 10 | 5 of 5 | 3 of 5 | 83 of 100 |
Superb | Excellent | Reasonable |
I thought this was an expertly-executed blend, perhaps not aptly named, however. This was the last of four samples my roommate let me try from a sampler pack she got from Heavenly Tea Leaves. It was a nice note to end on!
The smell of the dry leaf is busy, and reminds me a lot of Bigelow's sweet dreams herbal tea, with its combination of chamomile and peppermint, but there are some subtle differences. I'm curious to brew this up.
The flavor and mouthfeel of the brewed cup is initially very creamy and smooth; the different ingredients blend exceptionally well. The peppermint does not dominate, which I like; a lot of companies put way too much peppermint in blends like this and I can't taste anything else. I can clearly smell all the three ingredients and they seem perfectly balanced: the rooibos, peppermint, and chamomile. There is also a lot of depth to this tea...it's smooth up-front, full-bodied mid-sip, and then leaves a cooling note on the palate from the peppermint. Altogether it makes for a very interesting experience of drinking it.
Although it's caffeine-free, I found this tea more energizing than relaxing. The smell of the peppermint is sharp and attention-getting, and I find it makes me feel perky. I liked how I felt after drinking it, but I would be more likely to drink this if I wanted to feel alert but wished to avoid caffeine, than at bedtime or when I was trying to relax.
I found this tea only really steeped well once. Although you can resteep it, the strength is mostly gone, especially using the 5 minute recommended steep (which I think produced the perfect cup to my tastes).
Price is decent. Rooibos, chamomile, and peppermint are all inexpensive herbs, and I can get them all for a small fraction of the price of this blend, so I think they could come down a bit on the price, especially for the larger sizes (4, 8, and 16 oz). Expert blending is worth something, but when I can get ingredients of top quality for less than half the price, I think they're adding less value than they are jacking up the price. Compare with the English Breakfast Tea from this same company, which I thought was a steal, very reasonably priced (they could even raise the price on that a little bit and I'd still think it was a deal). The company seems to have very similar prices on all their products, which puzzles me a bit; I think it would be more natural to have more variability to reflect the market for similar products from other companies.