Review of Basundhara Assam Spring Organic Artisanal Green

7 of 104 of 53 of 571 of 100
Very GoodGoodReasonable

I was attracted to this sample in the batch by TEAORB's description of a "forest floor" aroma and "toasted beans" palate. That appeals to me. I did not enjoy it as much as I had hoped, however.

The leaf, although a bit boring looking (wiry and solid brown in color), is pleasantly fragrant, a lot like a Chinese green teas and suggesting savory qualities.

The brewed cup closely resembles a Chun Mee green tea from China: bold, tangy, and with a similar aroma: lightly smoky, and with fleeting floral hints. Slightly more astringent, however.

I enjoyed drinking this, but it was very expensive, and I didn't like it any more than comparable teas from China which cost much less. The only advantage was that it resteeps better, but I also found it trickier to brew. Easy to oversteep and easily becomes unpleasantly astringent. I tended to enjoy the first cup least, and the second cup most. This tea can be steeped three times, even with little leaf.

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