Review of Organic White Peony (Bai MuDan) Tea

10 of 105 of 54 of 590 of 100
OutstandingExcellentGood Value

I've had this for a few weeks now, but I've put off this review because this is my first pure white tea. The leaves were picked in April of 2016, making the tea a little over two years old as of this review. It has a gentle yet complex aroma of autumn leaves, vanilla, cinnamon, old books, and hints of flowers and spices. Brewing it at a lower temperature makes a very light and delicate cup and brings out a subtle peachy note, while brewing it with near boiling water produces a stronger cup with a flavor closer to the aroma, finishing with what oddly reminds me specifically of Forelle pears. It only resteeps once, but this isn't the kind of tea I want to drink all day anyway.

I can't say if it's a typical bai mudan or compare it to any other white tea, but I really like it. It's quite a bit different from what I expected, but in a good way. It definitely won't be my last white tea (I already have a sample of Teavivre's 2012 Shou Mei on the way).

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