Tea: 2017 Little Ducks
A Raw (Sheng) Pu-erh from white2tea
Brand: | white2tea |
Style: | Raw (Sheng) Pu-erh |
Region: | Yunnan, China |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Compressed |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Product page: | 2017 Little Ducks |
Reviewer: Alex

✓ 45 teas reviewed
✓ 3 of Raw (Sheng) Pu-erh
✓ 8 of Pu-erh Tea
✓ 4 of white2tea
✓ 10 from Yunnan, China
✓ 26 from China
Review of 2017 Little Ducks
July 21st, 2018
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
9 of 10 | 5 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 86 of 100 |
Superb | Excellent | Good Value |
While the dry leaves have a rather muted scent, the wet leaves and brewed tea both have an amazingly sweet aroma, like if flowers were candy. Like the Daily Drinker, this is on the mellow side, but this one can be pushed further if you can tolerate bitterness. Brewed normally, the first couple steeps are grassy and vegetal, more like a mild green tea than anything. This evolves toward something thick and sweet, with a finish that lingers forever and coats your mouth with a satisfying floral syrup. Somewhere in the middle I got a fruity note (some sort of stone fruit?). I love the combination of the brighter sheng flavors with the soft mouthfeel that I've gotten used to with shou.
These tiny micro-cakes are fantastic ways to sample high quality pu-erh without spending much, yet I hate not being able to have more than one session with a tea I'm sampling. I need more of this.