Tea: Cranberry Apple Herbal Tea

An Herbal Tea from Bigelow Tea

Picture of Cranberry Apple Herbal Tea
Brand:Bigelow Tea
Style:Herbal Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
# Ratings:4 View All
Product page:Cranberry Apple Herbal Tea

Review of Cranberry Apple Herbal Tea

6 of 104 of 53 of 562 of 100

The smell of the dry tea bag is, per the name, cranberry and apple. The flavor of the tea is quite different, though, being predominantly hibiscus and rose hips. After the initial tart rush, the apple comes out. It tastes quite nice, like the apple peel flavor of freeze-dried apple chips. If I try, I can taste a little cranberry in the background, but not enough to justify putting it in the name, let alone first.

I rather like this particular tea, but then again, I like hibiscus and rose hips (in fact, I often drink a blend of just those two ingredients). The apple sweetness smooths out the tartness quite well. I just think the tea's poorly named.

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