Tea: Earl Grey
An Earl Grey Tea from Twinings
Reviewer: Argentin

Member since Jan, 2019
✓ 11 teas reviewed
✓ 5 of Earl Grey Tea
✓ 6 of Flavored Black Tea
✓ 1 of Twinings
✓ 4 from ?????
✓ 11 teas reviewed
✓ 5 of Earl Grey Tea
✓ 6 of Flavored Black Tea
✓ 1 of Twinings
✓ 4 from ?????
Review of Earl Grey
January 16th, 2019
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
8 of 10 | 4 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 75 of 100 |
Excellent | Good | Good Value |
I like this as a very neutral delicious tasting Earl grey. The bergamot is much more mild than other teas which makes it perfect to go with various desserts.