Tea: Mango

A Fruit Black Tea from Fredsted

Picture of Mango
Style:Fruit Black Tea
# Ratings:1 View All
Product page:Mango

Review of Mango

5 of 103 of 53 of 550 of 100

Half-litre pot at home. Pours nearly clear copper brown with no sediment. Clear but not very inspiring aroma of mango and black tea. Bitter flavour of black tea leaves, with mild sweetish, fruity notes of mango. Bitter and slightly astringent palate with the aftertaste of black tea and mild acidic hints, becoming more pronounced with each subsequent sip. Well, there is nothing bad as such about this tea. It is just that everything about it, from the appearance (small dried leaves mixed with minute sawdustlike morsels of dried mango) to the aroma (clear but certainly not complex) and the flavour, is, well, rather boring. I have tasted better, much better mango teas. The only consolation is the cheap price (22 DKK per 100 g), but then, well, what you see is what you get, I'm afraid.

12 g / l; 100 C; 4 min.

Review #23

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