Tea: Chocolate Earl Grey

A Flavored Black Tea from DAVIDsTEA

Picture of Chocolate Earl Grey
Style:Flavored Black Tea
# Ratings:1 View All
Product page:Chocolate Earl Grey

Review of Chocolate Earl Grey

6 of 103 of 53 of 564 of 100

Prep: 200F, 5min

Aroma: Clearly earl grey. Bergamot is very strong. Not unpleasant but a little disjointed. 6/10

Flavor: I tried this plain and then added a splash of almond milk. The milk blended out some rough edges and left a nice citrus flavor with the lightest kiss of cocoa. 7/10

Body: Medium to medium plus. Appropriate for the style. 7/10

Value: This is a little pricey considering earl grey is a bargain tea (often). The chocolate isn’t present enough for me to pay the premium 6/10

Overall: Good not great. I’ll finish the bag but likely no reorder. 6/10

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