Review of Earl Grey Royal (Nr. 128)

7 of 104 of 54 of 570 of 100
Very GoodGoodGood Value

One-litre pot at home, made from fine green and brown leaves of Darjeeling sprinkled with bergamot oil and flavour. Pours clear copper brown (against white china) with no sediment. Clear aroma of Darjeeling tea, with touches of bergamot oil and mild basement hints. Bitter, leafy flavour of Darjeeling, with touches of bergamot oil and very mild notes of basement. Astringent palate with an aftertaste of bergamot. A nice Earl Grey. I suppose, however, that the recommended brewing time (4 minutes) is just about too long. To avoid the basement notes I will try to brew the tea a little shorter next time. Adding just half a teaspoonful of sugar helps, too. Fair price (40 DKK per 100 g).

7 4 4 70

11 g / l; 100 C; 4 min.

Review #163

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