Review of Assam SFTGFOP Tonganagaon Øko (Nr. 1)

8 of 104 of 54 of 580 of 100
ExcellentGoodGood Value

One-litre pot at home, made from very wired, curly, longish dark brown leaves of Assam. Pours clear dark copper brown (against white china). Clear aroma of Assam leaves, with pronounced malty notes. Delicate, bitterish flavour of black tea leaves, with notes of malt and spicy touches. Mildly astringent palate with malty aftertaste with spicy hints. A delicate and well-balanced Assam. The tea company advertises it as the finest of the style in stock. Well, it is definitely good. The price is not unreasonable, either (DKK 49 per 100 g).

8 4 4 80

11 g / l; 100 C; 4 min.

Review #188

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