Review of Fyrstinde Glorias Grønne Teblanding (Nr. 1005)

8 of 104 of 54 of 578 of 100
ExcellentGoodGood Value

One-litre pot at home, made from a mixture of several sorts of Chinese green tea, pieces of caramelised pineapple and mango, as well as the blossom of rose, calendula, malva, cornflower and passiflora - all sprinkled with flavour. Pours slightly hazy olive straw (against white china) with little sediment. Clear aroma of pineapple and mango, with leafy notes of green tea and touches of rose. Sweetish flavour of mango and pineapple, with floral touches and delicate notes of green tea leaves. Slightly astringent palate with an aftertaste of green tea leaves and fruit. Well-balanced, delicate and tasty. Reasonable price, too (49 DKK per 100 g). Thank you, Chastine for this gem!

8 4 4 78

10 g / l; 80 C; 3 min.

Review #251

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