Tea: Kadak Masala Chai

A Chai / Spiced Tea from Udyan Tea

Picture of Kadak Masala Chai
Brand:Udyan Tea
Style:Chai / Spiced Tea
Region:Assam, India
# Ratings:1 View All
Product page:Kadak Masala Chai

Review of Kadak Masala Chai

6 of 103 of 53 of 567 of 100

This is an ok chai, the aroma is nice. It seems the cardamom and cloves are the 2 spices that most come through in this blend, I wish there was a little more flavor and aroma. It's a bit astringent and I would probably prefer this with milk. It's a little thin too, it's definitely not my favorite cup of chai but it was still enjoyable to drink. The price is cheap so I think the value is good but because it wasn't my favorite, I don't think I'd order it again.

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