Tea: Chai Spice Black Tea

A Chai / Spiced Tea from Stash Tea

Picture of Chai Spice Black Tea
Brand:Stash Tea
Style:Chai / Spiced Tea
# Ratings:11 View All
Product page:Chai Spice Black Tea

Review of Chai Spice Black Tea

7 of 104 of 54 of 573 of 100
Very GoodGoodGood Value

I like this teabag chai...and it's quite different. Happily, it's not too heavy on the cinnamon...the ginger, clove, and allspice are noticeable! The aftertaste is very clean and cool...more similar to Earl Grey than other chais. The black tea is nondescript and moderately strong...overpowered by the aroma of the spice. I would prefer more cardamon and still less cinnamon.

I recommend brewing more than one cup off this one...I liked using one-and-a-half-cup of water with a 2 minute infusion...and you can make a second.

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