Tea: Ginger
A Wellness Tea / Medicinal Tea from Yogi Tea - Organic
Reviewer: rekarose

✓ 1 teas reviewed
✓ 1 of Wellness Tea / Medicinal Tea
✓ 1 of Yogi Tea
✓ 1 of blends
Review of Ginger
November 30th, 2010
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
9 of 10 | 5 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 90 of 100 |
Superb | Excellent | Good Value |
This is my favorite of bagged ginger teas.
The aroma is clearly quite gingery, but here the lemongrass also comes into play. It has a very spicy, peppery flavor on first sip, but the liquorice root smooths you along to a slightly sweet finish.
I personally prefer my cup of ginger tea to be intense, so I generally make a strong infusion: two bags in a mug with boiling water, and covered for about ten minutes. I then leave the bags in as I drink, so it becomes more and more potent until the end. And then, at the end I either squeeeeze the bags out or just pop them in my mouth and suck on them to get the very last, and very intense drops.
Something to keep in mind is that ginger is a pretty powerful emmenagogue, so women who are trying to get pregnant may wish to avoid drinking it until they're far enough along for morning sickness to begin. After that point it's safe, and even very helpful for reducing nausea.