Premium Tea Decaffeinated

Picture of Premium Tea Decaffeinated
Brand:Bigelow Tea
Style:Black Tea
Product page:Premium Tea Decaffeinated

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Reviewer pic46 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
(392 reviews) on

This tea came from a motel. That isn't surprising, considering that the Bigelow website for the product offers 48-bag boxes and cases thereof, as if targeting the food-service market. I've gotten the regular version of this (which is mediocre too) in motels as well as on airplanes.

For a decaf tea, Premium Decaf wasn't anywhere near the worst I've had, but was far from the best. It gave off a somewhat tinny or metallic overtone to the flavor (as I've experienced with many other decafs), and very little dry-bag and in-cup aroma (likewise). Otherwise, the taste was fairly nondescript, neither repulsive nor inspiring, rather flat, devoid of character. I suppose one could do worse for a motel tea, and that we should be thankful when lodging offers a tolerable (if average to slightly below) decaf option. Plenty of superior-quality decafs exist with more-robust base-tea flavor, however, and if you have a problem with caffeine, best bring along your own favorite and dunk it in their hot water. As an experienced traveler, I'll testify: it's exceedingly rare to get a good decaf tea from lodging.
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