Matcha Green Tea

Picture of Matcha Green Tea
Brand:Green Foods
Product page:Matcha Green Tea

This tea's info last updated: Dec. 12, 2014

Commercial Description

Organically grown and hand-picked in its native Japan, our premium Matcha leaves are specially cultivated for consistency in the greenest of color, softness in texture, mild flavor and sweet aroma.

Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic70 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
(334 reviews) on

Not a bad matcha. I used a little milk and think this would be even better with all milk instead out water. I like this kind of drink creamy. Also felt it needed some sweetness, so I added honey. This set of flavors blended very well. I'm looking forward to trying this tea a number of different ways.
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