Christmas Tea

Picture of Christmas Tea
Brand:Murchie's Tea & Coffee Ltd
Style:Flavored Black Tea
Product page:Christmas Tea

Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic90 Aroma: 10/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
(410 reviews) on

Call me a complete sucker for quality teas of this ilk, I suppose. This is Murchie's version of Constant Comment, which I also rate very highly, but with a few differences. In addition to cloves, orange peel and cinnamon, which the Bigelow product uses, Murchie's adds vanilla. This makes it less sharp than Constant Comment, and more smooth and creamy. The base tea also seems to be of slightly richer, more savory body quality in Christmas Tea, and the Murchie's product has about 20% more tea volume in each bag. However, the cinnamon and cloves (which I like) are a tad less potent here. Regardless of the minor differences, I like them both about equally. It's a wash (pun intended).

All in all, Christmas Tea is a thoroughly marvelous aroma and flavor combination, from dry bag to cup to wet bag. However, even with the favorable exchange rate between $CAD and $USD still going as of this writing, I did chip a small chunk off the value rating, since the comparable Constant Comment is still less expensive and easier to obtain.
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