Rocky Mountain Blend

Picture of Rocky Mountain Blend
Brand:Murchie's Tea & Coffee Ltd
Style:Black Tea
Product page:Rocky Mountain Blend

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Reviewer pic72 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(411 reviews) on

Both the loose and bagged versions of this blend have gone down my gullet, and I honestly can't tell much (if any) difference, at least within a reasonably narrow batch-to-batch margin of error. That said, I'll base this review mainly on what I've got right now, which is bags from a sampler pack.

The dry-bag (and dry-leaf) aromas were nothing special, almost disappointingly weak, like an old, cheap Ceylon. However, when steeped, the aroma really came alive in-cup, before and during drinking, with the rich, malty Assam really punching through, yet very evenly balanced by some sharper, brisk Ceylon elements tickling the nostrils. This was one of the greatest aromatic gains I've ever had from dry tea to cup, and it ended up being similarly described as a pleasant taste experience too. It was a little more bitter (but not offputtingly so) than most Assams I've had, but just dense and dark and rich enough that you know Assam is present and accounted for. While not Murchie's best black-tea blend, or even in the top 5, it is a very good everyday tea, a nice value for the cost at usual CAD/USD exchange rates, and one of the few black teas my wife and I agree upon closely and both like. Marital harmony is a good thing.

I suppose this would be a comforting tea to drink on a crisp, chilly evening at one's rented Rocky Mountain cabin, but it doesn't necessarily evoke the mountains on its own. :-) Something confuses me, however. [Well, a lot of things do, but we'll stick to tea.] Is this the same blend as Royal Alberta Museum? I ask having not tried the latter tea yet. On the site description for Rocky Mountain Blend, Murchie's states:

"This blend was originally commissioned in May 2005 by the Royal Alberta Museum to commemorate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's 2005 visit. The Royal Alberta Museum tea blend is still served at special occasions and sold in the gift store."

Furthermore, the Royal Alberta description is of a Ceylon/Assam blend too. This all leads me to believe they're the same. Since I do like this tea, sometime I'll have to order a 10-pack of Royal Alberta bags or their smallest loose sampler, and compare. If they are essentially identical in form (as they are in price), I'll still be satisfied anyway, just wondering why they'd sell the same tea under two names at the same time.
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