Ginger Peach Green Tea
Commercial Description
This new green tea is a delightful addition to our collection of Daily Green Teas. Offering the lushness of a ripe peach and the tingle of spicy ginger in a fresh green tea base, this flavorful and healthy cup will make the head wiggle with delight.
Ratings & Reviews
Page 1 of 1 page with 1 review
83 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 3/5
spaflam (180 reviews) on May. 5th, 2013
I love this bagged tea - yes, I know there are even better out there - but I keep comingback to ROT and their ginger peach green and black varieties. Great iced or hot. Subtly ginger-y and sweet without adding sugar.
spaflam (180 reviews) on May. 5th, 2013
I love this bagged tea - yes, I know there are even better out there - but I keep comingback to ROT and their ginger peach green and black varieties. Great iced or hot. Subtly ginger-y and sweet without adding sugar.
Page 1 of 1 page with 1 review