Assam Nokhroy Estate Black Tea (STGSOP1)

This tea has been retired/discontinued.

Picture of Assam Nokhroy Estate Black Tea (STGSOP1)
Brand:Simpson & Vail
Region:Tinsukia, Assam, India

This tea's info last updated: Nov. 17, 2022

Commercial Description

The black, slightly tippy leaves brew to a dark amber cup with a woodsy aroma. The brewed cup has the malty flavor profile that characterizes Assam teas with a pleasing, light peppery finish.

Brewing Instructions: (from Simpson & Vail)

212ºF, 3 min.

Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic70 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
(132 reviews) on

It was a bit of challenge to describe the aroma. I finally decided on 'sweet pine'. There is a 'wood' aroma with a definite 'sweet' under tone. The liquor is a deep amber color, malty. I'm not catching any 'peppery' after taste. A decent Assam. Good price for a good tea.
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Reviewer pic91 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(1453 reviews) on

This was a wonderfully smooth-flavored Assam, yet with good strength and complexity, and a great price. Thank you to Simpson & Vail for this sample!

Dry leaf, which is fine, curly, and has a moderate amount of golden tip, has an interesting aroma, initially there's a slight burned quality, suggestive of candle wax, but this gives way to a strong and sweet-smelling aroma of malt and baked goods. It looks just like in the picture!

This tea has typical characteristics of an Assam but is a bit more interesting than most. It has a strong flavor that is both sweet and savory, and less bitter. Only moderate-bodied. The aroma is just like the dry leaf: strongly malty, but with a slight burned quality, and notes of candle wax.

Feels strongly caffeinated, but doesn't make me feel at all jittery. I like how I feel after drinking it. This is a great wake-me-up tea.

This tea was inexpensive for such a high-grade and smooth tea. I highly recommend it, especially if you like strongly-caffeinated black teas with a smooth flavor. Teas like this often tend to cost a lot more!
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