Upton Apricot Honey Rooibos Organic

No Image of Upton Apricot Honey Rooibos Organic
Brand:Upton Tea Imports
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
Product page:Upton Apricot Honey Rooibos Organic

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Reviewer pic65 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 2/5
(162 reviews) on

This is a mellow, apricot-flavored rooibos, with added sunflower petals. It is all organic too, so I guess that means the "natural flavor" is also organic. The aroma is pleasant, and a little reminiscent of breakfast cereal or scented oil. The apricot flavor is certainly noticeable. Why do rooibos teas all have to be so pulverized that they have to be strained or put in bags to keep the little pieces out of your mug? That is annoying, but not enough to stop me from drinking them. The price on this is pretty high imo, perhaps because of the organic ingredients. Not bad overall, but I won't hurry to get this again.
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