Amanzi Tea (US) – CLOSED
Last Updated: Apr. 30, 2017
↑About Amanzi Tea (US)
Amanzi Tea was a tea company, founded by Maurice, Raymond, and Karinna Levy in 2006 in Miami, FL. In 2007 Amanzi Tea opened a store and tea bar in Greenville, SC, and in 2008, another location in New York City. The company is unaffiliated with the UK-based company of the same name.
Amanzi sold a wide variety of loose teas as well as herbal teas and yerba mate. Their teas were available in their stores and by mail-order through their website.
Some time in 2014, Amanzi tea's original owners divested, leaving the company run by Roger and Penny Bowman, who changed the name to Tea N' Things.[1]
1. Lillia Callum-Penso, Simpsonville tea shop takes over former Amanzi Tea space, Greenville Online, Nov. 18, 2014.
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Amazing flavor--large leaves and pieces; brew according to directions for a perfect cup of tea.
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This tea is fragrant, but not overpowering, and the taste is wonerfully smooth!
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