Gold Kili
Web: www.goldkili.com.sg/products/instant-beverages/gold-kili-tea
Last Updated: Oct. 24, 2014
↑About Gold Kili
Gold Kili is a brand of primarily instant drinks sometimes sold in Asian markets. The company was founded in 1985 as a manufacturer of instant coffee, and then expanded into instant herbal drinks.
Although we do not list instant drinks on RateTea, Gold Kili also includes a line of tea bags.
↑Teas - Browse All 1
Browse by region of production: Taiwan / Formosa (1)Browse by style (type or variety); Oolong Tea (1) • Pure Tea (Camellia sinensis) (1)
↑Recent Reviews — Browse All 1 — RSS 
53 / 100

It should be noted right off the bat that I am not a connoisseur of oolong. I enjoy it, but there's not a lot of sophistication in my tea-drinking; I don't know a lot about different regional varieties, different methods of preparation, and so on.
Which perhaps makes this variety somewhat fitting for me. I bought it...
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