↑About JusTea
JusTea is a tea company that is founded around the model of direct trade with tea farmers in Kenya.
↑Teas - Browse All 3
Browse by region of production: Kenya (3)Browse by style (type or variety); Flavored Tea (2) • Black Tea (1) • Pure Tea (Camellia sinensis) (1)
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What a pleasant smelling tea! The aroma is a wonderful mix of earthy and malty with a slight note of nuttiness. It is a very clean, pure tea smell which I think would be great to drink on its own but also a perfect base for blends.
! I love this tea, it is a perfect blend of maltiness, richness, earthiness and sweet...

Very sweet and very spicy are the first things I notice when appreciating this tea. The leaves and spices are a beautiful combination of colors...pardon me while I ogle this tea for a moment. The aroma blends earthiness, floral (mostly rose), pepper, and fennel notes with little hints of licorice and coriander for a po...
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Woo! That Earl packs a punch! Very strong bergamot and what seems like a mild note of lemons hiding under the bergamot. Not an unpleasant potency, it would be perfect as a wake up aroma. I often amuse myself by comparing a good Earl Grey to Victorian smelling salts, it would make a better fainting remedy I think! The a...
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