Tea Reviewer
Member since Sep. 27th, 2018. Reviewed 61 teas.
Reviews of Teas & Herbal Teas from United States of America
Page 1 of 1 page with 2 results

Peppermint Herbal Tea from Stash Tea
Style: Peppermint Tea – Region: United States of America50 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Oct. 5th, 2018
I'm still looking for what I'd consider a perfect peppermint tea, but of the Stash mint varieties I've tried, I will say that this was the best. The aroma doesn't quite fit, it seems a bit on the weak side, but the flavor is definitely peppermint. It's not overpowering, maybe not even full-bodied, but definitely pepper...
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Organic Cascade Mint Herbal Tea from Stash Tea
Style: Mint Tea – Region: Washington State, United States60 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Oct. 1st, 2018
This tea has a wonderful minty aroma, not overpowering, but definitely mint. It's not an overpowering flavor either, but not too subtle. Definitely minty, but I disagree with the other reviewer who indicated it was like you just brushed your teeth... to me, that would be too much; this is just enough mint.
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