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Wikipedia: Bolivia 
Updated: Mar. 17, 2014 

Browse Teas From Bolivia (5) - Read Reviews (3)

Table of contents:
About Bolivia | Styles of Tea Produced in Bolivia | Best (Top-Rated) Bolivian Teas | Examples of Bolivia

About Bolivia

Bolivia is a relatively small, landlocked country in South America, sharing borders with Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Peru. Bolivia has a diverse topography and climate, ranging from tropical rainforest through cold highland areas. Many of the intermediate climate zones in Bolivia are suitable for growing tea.

Although virtually unknown in the global tea market, Bolivia does grow tea commercially. In 2008, Bolivia was the 34th largest producer of tea, producing less than 0.02% of the world's total commercial output of tea.[1] Bolivian teas can be difficult to obtain in the U.S., but they have been available through Simpson & Vail. Unfortunately, the supplier of Simpson & Vail's black tea was shut down due to a US crackdown on coca leaf production.


1. FAOSTAT: Production: Crops, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Retrieved Jan. 29, 2010.

Styles of Tea Produced in Bolivia

This is a selection, not an exhaustive listing, of the styles of tea most commonly produced in Bolivia.

Best Bolivian Teas

The notion of the "best" Bolivian teas is subjective, because different people have different tastes. We present the most often-rated and highest-rated teas produced in Bolivia, and allow you to draw your own conclusions.

Most Often-Rated Teas

Picture of Bolivian Black Tea, Tippy Small Leaf

Bolivian Black Tea, Tippy Small Leaf

Brand:Simpson & Vail
Style:Black Tea
2 Ratings
Picture of Bolivian Black Tea, Large Leaf

Bolivian Black Tea, Large Leaf

Brand:Simpson & Vail
Style:Black Tea
1 Rating

Top-Rated Bolivian Teas

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Browse All Bolivian Teas (5)
