Tea: Makaibari Estate Oolong Tea
A Darjeeling Oolong from Arbor Teas - Organic -
Fair Trade
Brand: | Arbor Teas |
Style: | Darjeeling Oolong |
Region: | Darjeeling, India |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 2 View All |
Product page: | Makaibari Estate Oolong Tea |
Reviewer: Alex Zorach

✓ 1453 teas reviewed
✓ 6 of Darjeeling Oolong
✓ 143 of Oolong Tea
✓ 32 of Arbor Teas
✓ 78 from Darjeeling, India
✓ 209 from India
Review of Makaibari Estate Oolong Tea
June 4th, 2013
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
10 of 10 | 5 of 5 | 5 of 5 | 100 of 100 |
Outstanding | Excellent | Outstanding |
This is one weird but I love it!
This is my favorite Darjeeling oolong yet...but it really smells and tastes more like first flush (black tea) to me, but has a buttery mouthfeel like a good Taiwanese jade oolong.
Dry leaf is mostly broken, into pieces of different sizes, and has a strong aroma, suggestive of wintergreen and sweet rice. Unlike any other Darjeeling oolongs I've sampled, but much more similar to the greener Darjeeling first flushes, including ones from Makaibari estate.
I tried brewing this more like I would a Darjeeling oolong (longer steepings, lower water temperature) and I didn't like the results. I found it worked better with boiling water. It worked best with very brief steepings, as it infuses quickly, but it did okay with longer steepings the way I typically steep black tea.
Aroma is mostly of wintergreen and sweet rice, with a strong muscat grape quality, and some herbaceous and skunky tones as well. Aroma is not subtle--there's a lot going on and it kind of hits me in the face. There isn't much about the aroma that I'd describe as oolong-like, but the sensations on the palate do remind me a bit of some jade oolong...the aroma is more like a typical Darjeeling first flush, but the cup has a much more buttery mouthfeel...like a good Dong Ding, and unlike any black tea.
I thought this tea was top notch. As in, the best tea I sampled from Arbor Teas, and also bargain priced for a tea of this quality. Yeah! This tea is amazing. I think I am giving this tea a perfect score. I also noted that relatively little leaf is needed to produce a very flavorful cup.
Just don't be fooled and please use boiling water! If I had only brewed this tea with lower-temperature water I would have never realized how amazing it is!