Tea: Yunnan Gold (Golden Yunnan)
A Yunnan Gold from Adagio Teas
Brand: | Adagio Teas |
Style: | Yunnan Gold |
Region: | Yunnan, China |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 6 View All |
Product page: | Yunnan Gold (Golden Yunnan) |
Reviewer: levers

✓ 13 teas reviewed
✓ 1 of Yunnan Gold
✓ 1 of Yunnan Red
✓ 3 of Adagio Teas
✓ 2 from Yunnan, China
✓ 3 from China
Review of Yunnan Gold (Golden Yunnan)
May 4th, 2015
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
8 of 10 | 4 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 77 of 100 |
Excellent | Good | Good Value |
I like this tea, at least when I give it a good week or so between tastings. I'm not sure why I get sick of it, but I do. I think it's the leaf-pile scent that remains after my nose gets used to the sweet and fruity aromas.
With that confession off my chest, let me stress that this is a quality tea with a lots of complex flavor that somehow doesn't get lost even though there's this up-front sort of astringency. Instead of a dry-mouthed tannin taste, what lingers is very pleasant. If it reads like I can't write about this tea without mixing up the pleasant and unpleasant, that's about right. What matters is that the tea never fails to engage, and I keep coming back to relive the experience.
Oh, I also tend to start out drinking this without any sweetener. By the time I finish the cup I usually add a bit. It's more enjoyable with it, but it's so interesting without.