Tea: Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls Green Tea
A Jasmine Pearls from Teavana
This tea has been retired/discontinued.
Brand: | Teavana |
Style: | Jasmine Pearls |
Region: | ????? |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 6 View All |
Reviewer: ConradKay

✓ 31 teas reviewed
✓ 3 of Jasmine Pearls
✓ 3 of Jasmine Tea
✓ 4 of Teavana
✓ 5 from ?????
Review of Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls Green Tea
February 14th, 2018
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
9 of 10 | 4 of 5 | 2 of 5 | 75 of 100 |
Superb | Good | Overpriced |
I received this tea as part of a tea trade(4 ounces of this) for free, and am really enjoying this. I'd say it tastes very similar to Harney and sons' jasmine pearls with a slightly less dominant jasmine taste. The aroma is amazing and is almost purely jasmine. The flavor is sweet and of jasmine but can turn bitter/soapy when higher water temperatures/ over 3 minutes steeping. The value is pretty terrible considering the tea is almost $200 a pound, while Adagio, Teavivre, and Harney and sons each have similar teas all of which are less than $70 a pound(Teavivre's is $40 a pound, while the other two are $68), but either way, I am really glad I have this tea.