Tea: Keemun Concerto

A Keemun Mao Feng from Adagio Teas

Picture of Keemun Concerto
Brand:Adagio Teas
Style:Keemun Mao Feng
Region:Anhui, China
# Ratings:2 View All
Product page:Keemun Concerto

Review of Keemun Concerto

2 of 104 of 53 of 560 of 100

I'm having a hard time rating this tea. It smelled pretty bad to me, like burnt pine. I guess that's the smokiness. The flavor was nicely earthy and slightly chocolaty with the occasional subtle fruit note. I enjoyed the flavor, but hated the aroma. I always knew it was done brewing and would taste the way I liked it when it smelled like someone forced a jigsaw through a board of old wood as quickly as possible. The less offensive the smell, the more bland it tasted. I guess if the smell of charred wood doesn't bother you, this is a pretty good tea for the price, but I couldn't get past that.

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