Tea: Darjeeling Tea
A Darjeeling Black Tea from Lipton Tea
Brand: | Lipton Tea |
Style: | Darjeeling Black Tea |
Region: | Darjeeling, India |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Reviewer: Difflugia

✓ 170 teas reviewed
✓ 7 of Darjeeling Black Tea
✓ 57 of Black Tea
✓ 4 of Lipton Tea
✓ 7 from Darjeeling, India
✓ 14 from India
Review of Darjeeling Tea
July 18th, 2018
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
7 of 10 | 3 of 5 | 5 of 5 | 72 of 100 |
Very Good | Fair | Outstanding |
Lipton Darjeeling Tea used to be known as "Lipton Green Label" and is packaged for sale in India. I buy this tea as a gray market item at a local Indian convenience store.
This tea is better quality than one might expect from Lipton and is overall a medium-quality Darjeeling. The tea appears to be mostly whole, small leaves with some broken pieces. The aroma is tannic and oaky, with maybe a hint of dried lavender.
The tea brews into a deep amber which is darker than typical Darjeelings. The aroma is malty, but not as heady as an Assam. It's also not quite as floral as earlier flushes of Darjeeling. The flavor is crisp, astringent and only lightly bitter. Behind the tannin is a light fruitiness of melon and green berries. The finish is pleasant, but too short. Overall, the tea is mild yet flavorful.
Compared to many of the single-estate Darjeelings, the Lipton is a bit flat. This tea only costs $15 for 500g (about 17 ounces), though, and is available from several online sellers for a similar price.
I drink a lot of Lipton Darjeeling.