Tea: Large Leaf from Old Trees Pu-erh
A Pu-erh Tea from Chicago Tea Garden
This tea has been retired/discontinued.
Brand: | Chicago Tea Garden |
Style: | Pu-erh Tea |
Region: | Yunnan, China |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Reviewer: Alex Zorach

✓ 1453 teas reviewed
✓ 25 of Pu-erh Tea
✓ 25 of Dark Tea
✓ 1 of Chicago Tea Garden
✓ 81 from Yunnan, China
✓ 382 from China
Review of Large Leaf from Old Trees Pu-erh
June 4th, 2010
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
7 of 10 | 4 of 5 | 5 of 5 | 77 of 100 |
Very Good | Good | Outstanding |
I really enjoyed this tea.
I tried brewing this in two different ways...one, as recommended, more leaf, shorter steeping times. The second, using less leaf, but longer steeps. I had much better results with this second method using longer steeping times (I recommend starting with 2-3 minutes and going from there). The leaves only unfurl very slowly and I think longer steeps are really necessary to bring out this tea's flavor. I was able to make many infusions (4+) even with longer steeps.
I found this tea, in all infusions, to have a similar character. It did not start losing strength at all until after the third cup. It is very earthy, but has certain fresh herbaceous tones that are unusual in a tea of this age...smells that I associate with being outdoors in a weedy thicket in the summer.
I also found this tea to be considerably less smooth than I had anticiapted, and again, less smooth relative to pu-erh of this age and even considerably younger. However, I liked this. It has some bite, a little bitterness, especially if brewed with longer steeping times (one reason I prefer this method).
Price is, in my opinion, very reasonable. This is a powerful tea: not much leaf is needed to make a flavorful cup, and the leaves can be brewed many times. Given this, I think it's a steal at this price.