Tea: Darjeeling (Loose)

A Darjeeling Black Tea from Ahmad Tea

Picture of Darjeeling (Loose)
Brand:Ahmad Tea
Style:Darjeeling Black Tea
Region:Darjeeling, India
# Ratings:5 View All
Product page:Darjeeling (Loose)

Review of Darjeeling (Loose)

7 of 105 of 55 of 588 of 100
Very GoodExcellentOutstanding

This tea is really good! It has a nice bready aroma and a delicate but full bodied flavor with chocolatey hints. The only reason I'm not giving it an even higher score is that it is a bit basic, however I still love basic teas when they are really high quality and good like this one. This tea is not too astringent or bitter at all. I would definitely get this again as this is a great classic cup of tea to start your day with! It's also extremely cheap at about $31/lb unit price, so the value is great!

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