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China Mist

Phone (800) 242-8807
Last Updated: Dec. 12, 2016

About China Mist

China Mist or Chinamist is a tea company founded in 1982 by Dan Schweiker and John Martinson and based in Scottsdale, AZ, in the Phoenix metro area. China Mist specializes in iced tea, and is oriented towards restaurants and the foodservice industry; the company's original goal or purpose was to supply a higher quality of iced tea than what is usually served in restaurants, but the company has expanded and also sells other blends intended to be consumed hot, and sells to the general public through their website.

Teas - Browse All 4

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The following is a complete listing of the 4 teas from China Mist in our database.

Picture of Organic Breakfast

Organic Breakfast

Style:Black Tea

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Tchuggin' Okie
(410 reviews)
57 / 100
Picture of Spring Jasmine Green Tea (Organic)

Spring Jasmine Green Tea (Organic)

Style: Jasmine Tea – Region: ?????
Jan. 5th, 2017

This is a reasonably good green tea, but the jasmine is about the weakest I've smelled or tasted in anything advertised as a "Jasmine" tea. Jasmine seems to be an afterthought or distant background in both the smell and the taste. I won't recommend against this product if you do prefer just a *hint* of jasmine in an ...

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60 / 100
Picture of Mandarin Orange Spice

Mandarin Orange Spice

Style: Flavored Black Tea – Region: ?????
Dec. 15th, 2016

Here's another tea I got at a motel breakfast area, but that can be ordered online. If you're familiar with Bigelow's Constant Comment, the taste is a slightly lower-order approximation of that, but without cloves, about the same orange level, similar strength but slightly lower quantity of black tea. Much weaker aro...

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57 / 100
Picture of Simply Mint (Organic)

Simply Mint (Organic)

Style: Mint Tea – Region: ?????
Dec. 12th, 2016

As I mentioned in a review for Badia's mint blend, spearmint is a flavor I tend to avoid, even in blends, as for me it dilutes or detracts from peppermint. That said, this seemed to strike a good balance such that the peppermint still dominates and is the featured ingredient. The spearmint sits in the background, mas...

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Simply Mint (Organic)

Style:Mint Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
1 Rating
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Mandarin Orange Spice

Style:Flavored Black Tea
1 Rating
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Spring Jasmine Green Tea (Organic)

Style:Jasmine Tea
1 Rating

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