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↑About Dunkin Donuts
Dunkin Donuts is a chain of donut stores, based in Springfield, MA, but now distributed nationally, which also sells coffee and tea. Dunkin Donuts has their own brand of tea, available in tea bags, which they serve and sell in their stores.
In 2016 Dunkin Donuts discontinued their previous line of three teas, which were sold in flat tea bags, and launched a new line of five teas and herbal teas in pyramid sachets.[1]
1. Dunkin’ Donuts Debuts New Premium Hot Teas, Dunkin Donuts News Release, Nov. 02, 2016.
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This is a peppermint blend. The peppermint is high quality, isn't weedy tasting, and has a nice menthol finish. There's a floral background flavor that's nice, but I ultimately think that the peppermint is cut with too much filler.
I'd order this again at a Dunkin Donuts if I didn't want something caffeinated, but a...
I bought a cup of this from a Dunkin Donuts and liked it, so I bought a box to brew at home. The sachets are large and each contains 3g of finely-chopped tea. The box doesn't say which teas are in the blend (other than "from around the World"), but the tea looks orthodox rather than CTC.
The brewing tea has a strong...
Served at a Dunkin Donuts. I can't help but wonder how much this tea is limited by the fact that it's served in a paper cup; I can smell the cup, it imparts a cardboardy aroma that noticeably diminishes the enjoyment of the tea. Perhaps I'll come back with my own mug next time.
I remember what the old Dunkin Donut...
I've had this tea quite a few times and it is surprisingly good for what it is, as well as being surprisingly versatile.
Not really a typical breakfast tea...I don't know what teas go into this blend, but it shares some characteristics with Darjeeling teas and other smoother teas, and doesn't seem much like a typica...
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