↑About FashionistaTea
FashionistaTea was a tea company, founded by Brenda Dillon Cavette, selling fashion-inspired loose-leaf teas and teas in pyramid sachets. FashionistaTea focuses on organic and fair-trade certified teas.
As of January 2017 the company was closed; we do not know exactly when it closed.
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The aroma from my little pile of CTC leaves and spices is sweet, spicy, and malty! There is a strong ginger note, a moderately strong note of cardamon, and lastly a mellow note of malt and a finish of cinnamon.
This is a very mellow Chai, taken traditionally with milk (ok I use Half & Half since I love creaminess) ...

The aroma of the dry leaves (and fruity bits) is quite delicious, it has that tart sweet smell of fresh raspberries and pomegranates with a slight hint of rose hips and a gentle finishing note of slightly grassy green. It has a very fresh scent, reminding me of late spring.
Oooh, the taste is so mellow, which is qui...

The aroma is creamy sweet and floral, with notes of vanilla and cocoa, with roses, lavender, and a hint of oranges and malt. It is super rich and sweet, bordering on decadent.
It starts out with vanilla and roses, then moves to lavender and chocolate, with a finish of brisk oak wood and oranges. None of the notes c...

I thought this tea was pretty good. It didn't wow me, and I didn't pick up many nuances in aroma or flavor, but I didn't hate it. It seemed to match the name pretty well: Basic Black.
I have enough left for one cup, so I think I'll try it again with a little sugar and almond milk, just to see if the character c...

This tea brews really quickly. The first time I tried it I brewed it too long - 4-5 minutes. I tried 3 minutes and it turned out well. I like it. It's interesting. Kind of fruity, but not too much. It has a rich, crisp flavor. It's a little more bitter than I would ideally like. I added cream and sugar.
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