Tea: Ceylon (Ceylon Orange Pekoe)
A Ceylon Black Tea from Ahmad Tea
Brand: | Ahmad Tea |
Style: | Ceylon Black Tea |
Region: | Sri Lanka / Ceylon |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 8 View All |
Product page: | Ceylon (Ceylon Orange Pekoe) |
Reviewer: Alex Zorach

✓ 1453 teas reviewed
✓ 45 of Ceylon Black Tea
✓ 501 of Black Tea
✓ 19 of Ahmad Tea
✓ 68 from Sri Lanka / Ceylon
Review of Ceylon (Ceylon Orange Pekoe)
December 31st, 2012
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
8 of 10 | 5 of 5 | 5 of 5 | 87 of 100 |
Excellent | Excellent | Outstanding |
My favorite pure black tea from Ahmad Tea, and my favorite tea from any company in this price range.
If I had to pick a single example of a classic black tea, I would pick this one.
Like most of Ahmad's teas, I find this one offers exceptional value: solid quality at a very low price. It is versatile and easy to brew.
Brews a rich, full-bodied cup. Smooth enough that it is hard to oversteep. I've left this tea brewing by accident for about 15 minutes and it was perfectly drinkable--just richer in flavor. Ahmad recommends a 5-7 minute steeping time, and I agree--this tea tastes better brewed stronger. Some of the complexity is lost with a 3-minute or briefer steeping.
Aroma is very complex, especially with longer steeping times. Some malty tones, hints of fruit, and a bready and slightly vegetal quality suggestive of some Yunnan teas. A faint hint of wintergreen is evident if you brew it very strongly. The finish leaves tones of bitter chocolate and cinnamon.
Flavor is surprisingly smooth. There's a little up-front bitterness, and a light bitterness in the aftertaste. Very full-bodied...slightly astringent but not too much so.
I find this tea is more pleasing to drink if you allow it to cool a little after steeping it, but drink it while it is still hot.