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Commercial Description
Die verschiedenen Kräuter zeichnen sich durch ihre unverwechselbar individuellen Geschmäcker aus. In der Meßmer 6-Kräuter-Mischung haben unsere Tea-Master erfrischende Kräuter wie Pfefferminze und Citronengras mit der milden Fruchtigkeit von Hagebutten und Hibiskus vereint und mit Brombeerblättern und Zitronenverbene abgerundet - für ein wohlschmeckendes Genuss-Erlebnis.
Ratings & Reviews
Page 1 of 1 page with 1 review

Alex Zorach (1453 reviews) on Oct. 26th, 2014
Served with breakfast at City Herberge, Dresden. A pleasant herbal blend, very different from anything I've had in the US.
The ingredient list contains rose hip and hibiscus, which I often associate with tangy teas, too sour for my taste, but this one had a more subdued flavor, balanced, and only slightly tangy. I liked this.
The aroma was a bit muddled. The closest thing I can think of to this tea would be Bigelow's sweet dreams, but that blend has more peppermint, and also contains chamomile--this one has a little less mint, and a moderate lemoniness from lemongrass and lemon verbena. I also found this to brew up a nice, rich, full-bodied cup.
Enjoyable, not anything mind-blowing, but pleasant and I would be happy to drink it again.
Page 1 of 1 page with 1 review
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Feinster Earl Grey - Ganzes Teeblatt
Style: | Earl Grey Tea |
Region: | Blend |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Leaf: | Loose |
1 Rating