Houjicha Green Tea - Organic
Commercial Description
Organic Houjicha is a classic style of Japanese green tea made with roasted tealeaves and stems from the autumn and winter harvests.
Brewing Instructions: (from Rishi Tea)
Water: 185°F / Leaves: 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces / Infusion Time: 3–4 minutes
This tea has not yet been given any ratings or reviews.
External Reviews
Our editorial team has selected the following reviews from other websites:
- Rishi Tea’s Houjicha Review - My Steeped IdentiTEA
Jul. 24, 2010
A positive review, describing the aroma as woody and nutty, as well as buttery and honey-like, and noting the complete absence of grassy qualities exhibited by most green teas. Brittiny describes this tea as complex and notes the intensity of the roasted flavor.