Monk's Mead - Organic
Commercial Description
Soft, fragrant & nostalgic. A taste of apples & honey. If you can't find the real McCoy (Mead that is) then this will do ya just fine.
Ratings & Reviews
Page 1 of 1 page with 1 review
75 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Trailesque (159 reviews) on May. 30th, 2020
Here is a nice organic tisane, made predominantly with chamomile and bolstered with some fruits, rose hips, and hibiscus. So it tastes mostly of chamomile, but with a steely, acidic undertone. The aroma is fairly strong and floral. The price is a little high, but I guess that is due to the organic ingredients. This is a nice before-bed cup. I continue to enjoy Serendipitea's tisanes.
Trailesque (159 reviews) on May. 30th, 2020
Here is a nice organic tisane, made predominantly with chamomile and bolstered with some fruits, rose hips, and hibiscus. So it tastes mostly of chamomile, but with a steely, acidic undertone. The aroma is fairly strong and floral. The price is a little high, but I guess that is due to the organic ingredients. This is a nice before-bed cup. I continue to enjoy Serendipitea's tisanes.
Page 1 of 1 page with 1 review