No. 1 Tippy Orthodox GFOP Darjeeling

No Image of No. 1 Tippy Orthodox GFOP Darjeeling
Brand:Upton Tea Imports
Style:Darjeeling Black Tea
Region:Darjeeling, India
Product page:No. 1 Tippy Orthodox GFOP Darjeeling

Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic75 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 5/5
(156 reviews) on

I decided to try something different. Instead of getting Upton's iced tea blend (which I like a lot) that is made from Ceylons and Darjeelings, why not get some Ceylons and Darjeelings and mix them together? This way I can also get to know the individual teas. This one did not let me down. It is on the mild side, but is not weak. There is a dash of caramel flavor when I make it with lemon, and mixing it with plant milk brings out some tannins. A good, budget-priced Darjeeling.
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