Reviews of Teas & Herbal Teas from Zhejiang, China
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Dragonwell Green Tea from Teavana
Style: Dragon Well (Long Jing) – Region: Zhejiang, China60 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
Nov. 23rd, 2014
Not a bad tea, but not as impressive as other Dragonwells I've had, actually. It went bitter too easily (and the infusion was still pretty weak) and it wasn't grassy enough for my taste. Worth trying, but not quite as good as I was hoping.
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Premium Grade Dragon Well Green Tea (Long Jing) from TeaVivre
Style: Dragon Well (Long Jing) – Region: Zhejiang, China83 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Sep. 14th, 2014
I really enjoyed this fresh, smooth tea. Interestingly, I found it quite easy to brew at work, where the hot, filtered water is at a set temperature. I'm still playing around with preparing it at home. Regardless, it has proven a solid, calming cup whether alone or with food.
Update: After trying this at home and at...

Organic Nonpareil Ming Qian Dragon Well Long Jing Green Tea from TeaVivre
Style: Dragon Well (Long Jing) – Region: Zhejiang, China73 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Sep. 10th, 2014
I could definitely taste a little chestnut and a little grassiness in the flavor and was delighted by the leaves. Shortly after I first brewed this, I noticed a light astringency or bitterness in the aftertaste. As I drank, this finish became smoother and more muted. The same thing happened with the second cup. I belie...
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China Green Tips Full Leaf from Tazo Tea
Style: Green Tea – Region: Zhejiang, China80 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Feb. 25th, 2014
THIS tea. This may be the beginning to solving a mystery.
You see, when I lived in Japan for a year, I would make and enjoy teas just like this. I really love this flavor of green tea. It tastes and especially smells great.
*However*, after almost a year, I realized that certain green teas caused what I'm guessin...
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