Map of Oregon, United States

Oregon, United States

Wikipedia: Oregon | Official Government Website: 
Updated: Mar. 2, 2015 

Browse Teas From Oregon, United States (11) - Read Reviews (4)

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About Oregon, United States | Styles of Tea Produced in Oregon, United States | Best (Top-Rated) Oregon Teas

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About Oregon, United States

Commercial Mint Production near Imbler, Oregon, © Gary Halvorson, Oregon State ArchivesOther
Oregon is a state in the United States. Like its northern neighbor Washington state, Oregon has a diverse climate and geography; it borders the ocean on the west, and has a tall range of mountains running north-south close to the ocean. The region to the west of the mountains has high rainfall and a moderate climate, and is covered with temperate rainforest. To the east of the mountains, rain shadow creates deserts; the climate in this region is much more variable and extreme.

Tea has recently begun being commercially cultivated in Oregon, and is available for purchase through JTEA and Minto Island Tea Company. In addition, many herbs and ingredients in herbal teas, such as mint, are grown there.

Some plants used in herbal teas are native to Oregon, including Clinopodium douglasii, also known as yerba buena or Oregon-tea.

Sustainability of Oregon agriculture

As part of the Pacific Northwest, Oregon has a public image as a humid state with high rainfall. This perception is understandable, as the denser areas of population cluster in the wetter regions near the coast. However, this is only true of the coastal areas; the bulk of Oregon state is quite arid.

Although mints and many of the other herbs commercially grown in Oregon thrive with little care in the wet coastal regions, most commercial cultivation of these herbs is carried out in the eastern part of the state, and extensive irrigation is used (and required) to grow these crops.

Styles of Tea Produced in Oregon, United States

This is a selection, not an exhaustive listing, of the styles of tea most commonly produced in Oregon, United States.

Best Oregon Teas

The notion of the "best" Oregon teas is subjective, because different people have different tastes. We present the most often-rated and highest-rated teas produced in Oregon, United States, and allow you to draw your own conclusions.

Most Often-Rated Teas

Picture of Cool Mountain Mint

Cool Mountain Mint

Brand:Bromley Tea
Style:Peppermint Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
1 Rating
Picture of Organic Peppermint

Organic Peppermint

Style:Peppermint Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
1 Rating
No image of this tea

Hibiscus High Tea

Brand:Mountain Rose Herbs
Style:Herbal Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
1 Rating
Picture of Peppermint (Sachets)

Peppermint (Sachets)

Brand:Harney and Sons
Style:Peppermint Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
1 Rating

Top-Rated Oregon Teas

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Browse All Oregon Teas (11)
