Organic Assam (Loose) - Organic
Commercial Description
A rich tea with a sweet honey flavor. Certified Organic.
Ratings & Reviews
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87 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Alex Zorach (1452 reviews) on Feb. 25th, 2016
This was my favorite broken-leaf Assam that I've ever tried. Surprisingly sweet and nuanced for a broken-leaf tea, and an excellent price, especially given that it's organic certified.
Dry leaf has a pleasant fruity and malty smell, typical for an Assam but smelling sweeter. Although it's a finely broken tea, the smell suggests far above-average quality.
Flavor is also subtly sweet, but against a background of a robust and well-balanced cup with a good amount of bitterness and some lightly sour and savory flavors as well. The cup is quite aromatic, with a rich malty aroma and notes of fruit and a hint of wintergreen and vegetal notes.
Using a teaspoon and a 3 minute steep, was a tad thin, especially as the cup cooled. I preferred a 5 minute steep. This brings out the sweetness more, and brings up the bitterness and astringency about to the level I most want. Alternatively, I also tried using a little more than a teaspoon and a 2 minute steep and this produced very good results. Can be resteeped surprisingly well for a broken-leaf tea, especially if the first steep is shorter.
A final note, I found that this tea tasted best when still hot. Still enjoyable when warm, but it lost some of its magic.
Alex Zorach (1452 reviews) on Feb. 25th, 2016
This was my favorite broken-leaf Assam that I've ever tried. Surprisingly sweet and nuanced for a broken-leaf tea, and an excellent price, especially given that it's organic certified.
Dry leaf has a pleasant fruity and malty smell, typical for an Assam but smelling sweeter. Although it's a finely broken tea, the smell suggests far above-average quality.
Flavor is also subtly sweet, but against a background of a robust and well-balanced cup with a good amount of bitterness and some lightly sour and savory flavors as well. The cup is quite aromatic, with a rich malty aroma and notes of fruit and a hint of wintergreen and vegetal notes.
Using a teaspoon and a 3 minute steep, was a tad thin, especially as the cup cooled. I preferred a 5 minute steep. This brings out the sweetness more, and brings up the bitterness and astringency about to the level I most want. Alternatively, I also tried using a little more than a teaspoon and a 2 minute steep and this produced very good results. Can be resteeped surprisingly well for a broken-leaf tea, especially if the first steep is shorter.
A final note, I found that this tea tasted best when still hot. Still enjoyable when warm, but it lost some of its magic.
Page 1 of 1 page with 1 review