Ban Cha Green Tea
Brewing Instructions: (from Hime)
Use approximately 2 Tbsp. (10g) per teapot. Add 2 cups of hot water and steep for 30 seconds before serving.
Ratings & Reviews
Page 1 of 1 page with 2 reviews
65 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 5/5
Trailesque (160 reviews) on Jul. 24th, 2019
This came recommended by RT leader Alex as a good budget bancha. And the price was very reasonable, about as little as anyone could expect to pay for a decent tea. It has a pleasant, earthy aroma, but the flavor is a little insipid. I wasn't expecting perfection tho - this is a reliable everyday green tea.
Trailesque (160 reviews) on Jul. 24th, 2019
This came recommended by RT leader Alex as a good budget bancha. And the price was very reasonable, about as little as anyone could expect to pay for a decent tea. It has a pleasant, earthy aroma, but the flavor is a little insipid. I wasn't expecting perfection tho - this is a reliable everyday green tea.
67 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 5/5
Alex Zorach (1453 reviews) on Aug. 2nd, 2011
An inexpensive, fairly finely-broken Bancha that is of surprising quality for its price. I purchased 8 ounces for $4.39. The only downside is that it is a little tricky to brew well. Contains a lot of stem and broken pieces of large leaves.
Very rich aroma and flavor, but light and fresh. Strongly vegetal, but without the edge that most sencha has; a lot of corn in the aroma as well. Brews a fairly cloudy cup.
This tea is rather picky/particular about brewing. Can easily become very astringent if steeped too long. Very unpleasant if brewed with water that is too hot, bland if water is too cool. I had better results using more leaf and briefer steepings, but good for multiple infusions. Makes outstanding iced tea as well.
Alex Zorach (1453 reviews) on Aug. 2nd, 2011
An inexpensive, fairly finely-broken Bancha that is of surprising quality for its price. I purchased 8 ounces for $4.39. The only downside is that it is a little tricky to brew well. Contains a lot of stem and broken pieces of large leaves.
Very rich aroma and flavor, but light and fresh. Strongly vegetal, but without the edge that most sencha has; a lot of corn in the aroma as well. Brews a fairly cloudy cup.
This tea is rather picky/particular about brewing. Can easily become very astringent if steeped too long. Very unpleasant if brewed with water that is too hot, bland if water is too cool. I had better results using more leaf and briefer steepings, but good for multiple infusions. Makes outstanding iced tea as well.
Page 1 of 1 page with 2 reviews