Decaf Vanilla Nut Creme Black Tea
3 ratings
Commercial Description
A deliciously smooth, full-bodied black tea with a rich vanilla nut aroma and flavor. Add milk and sugar for a sweet, creamy dessert-like drink. Decaffeinated.
Ratings & Reviews
Page 1 of 1 page with 3 reviews
53 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 3/5
spaflam (180 reviews) on Jul. 23rd, 2013
Not a fave - the sweet vanilla and almost-coffee like nutty notes just don;t seem like "real tea" to me. This one you have to drink hot - it's not a good flavor for iced - not refreshing but it is comforting in a sweet-artificial-vallinin sort of a way. Tea trying to be a coffee? Doesn't work for me.
spaflam (180 reviews) on Jul. 23rd, 2013
Not a fave - the sweet vanilla and almost-coffee like nutty notes just don;t seem like "real tea" to me. This one you have to drink hot - it's not a good flavor for iced - not refreshing but it is comforting in a sweet-artificial-vallinin sort of a way. Tea trying to be a coffee? Doesn't work for me.
73 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Sylvia (215 reviews) on Jan. 6th, 2013
When I first tried this tea I loved it, but after I've been drinking it for a while, I now think it has a really weak base tea. I still like the flavoring. It has a nice sweet, creamy flavor. I love nut-flavored teas. I think it has a similar appeal to a caramel latte. I added cream and sugar.
Sylvia (215 reviews) on Jan. 6th, 2013
When I first tried this tea I loved it, but after I've been drinking it for a while, I now think it has a really weak base tea. I still like the flavoring. It has a nice sweet, creamy flavor. I love nut-flavored teas. I think it has a similar appeal to a caramel latte. I added cream and sugar.
30 Aroma: 3/10 Flavor: 1/5 Value: 3/5
Anne (34 reviews) on Oct. 16th, 2009
I loathe this tea. To me, it tastes like artificial sweetener with an overlay of nut.
Anne (34 reviews) on Oct. 16th, 2009
I loathe this tea. To me, it tastes like artificial sweetener with an overlay of nut.
Page 1 of 1 page with 3 reviews