Sleepytime Extra

4 ratings
Picture of Sleepytime Extra
Brand:Celestial Seasonings
Style:Wellness Tea / Medicinal Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
Product page:Sleepytime Extra - Buy on Amazon*

This tea's info last updated: Nov. 20, 2022

Commercial Description

This relaxing herbal tea starts with our time-honored Sleepytime® blend of chamomile, spearmint and other soothing herbs. We then add valerian, long trusted as a natural sleep aid, for an especially calming cup.

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Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic70 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
(408 reviews) on

The only difference I've detected between this product and regular Sleepytime is the addition of valerian root to the ingredients list, and a caution on the side of the box about not driving or operating machinery after using, as if this is some herbal-tea version of Ambien or Sominex. Of course, it's not. I'm writing this an hour after polishing off a cup, two hours after working an all-night shift, and notice no difference in cognition or sleepiness than usual for this stage of my (admittedly backwards) circadian cycle. For me this is merely a relaxing tea, not outstanding, but pleasant, and in the last cup a few days ago, I noticed no substantial difference in its effect on me before bedtime or while sleeping.

I feel a tad dirty about self-plagiarizing, but since the tea looks, smells, and tastes the same as Sleepytime to me, what I said there is valid here: "The main impediment to a higher score is the mildness of the flavor. It could use a couple notches more potency. I have to steep this to death and stir the bag 'round-n-'round for several minutes to pull out enough flavor to appreciate. But once there, the taste is rather pleasant and friendly."
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Reviewer pic55 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
(8 reviews) on

Almost the same flavor and aroma as the regular stuff but you can't hide the nastiness of Valerian Root! Unfortunately, the added pungency of the (sweaty gym socks scented) Valerian Root does NOT help the regular stuff make me sleep. Better off sticking with the regular stuff.
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Reviewer pic57 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
(108 reviews) on

a mild tea that does seem to relax and put you to sleep mildly...not big on flavor though
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Reviewer pic90 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(7 reviews) on

So, I really love this tea. I will say, the warning label is serious, especially if you have never had the sleepytime extra, you will want to make sure you are ready for bed when you drink it. It is very relaxing and even though it is potent, it is so in a very mild manner (if that makes sense). It is a very light tea, with a hint of spearmint flavor that is amongst various other herbal flavors, none of which are overbearing. The flavor is very smooth and if you are having some trouble winding down for sleep, I would recommend this tea as a great way to solve the problem. I don't feel groggy the next day either, which is very important.
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