Yun Nan Gold - Organic
Commercial Description
This is one of the best black teas in China. The flavour of this high mountain tea is very rich and sweet with a delightful fragrance of fruit. Packaged in a foil bag.
Ratings & Reviews
Page 1 of 1 page with 2 reviews
67 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Sylvia (215 reviews) on Apr. 22nd, 2013
This tea has a kind of salty flavor. It's pretty good. I added cream and sugar.
Sylvia (215 reviews) on Apr. 22nd, 2013
This tea has a kind of salty flavor. It's pretty good. I added cream and sugar.
53 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Alex Zorach (1453 reviews) on Apr. 8th, 2013
Purchased at the Newark Natural Foods coop in Newark, Delaware. I suspect that this may not have been very fresh.
Aroma is peppery and slightly fruity. Smooth flavor, but mild. Flavor slightly sour. Overall character a lot more like shu (ripened) Pu-erh than like other Yunnan gold teas I've sampled. Upon drinking the whole cup, there's a bit of an astringent finish, like a strong Assam or Irish Breakfast.
I was really not impressed. This was one of the least impressive black teas I've sampled from Yunnan province. I want to hesitate to pass judgment on Two Hills Tea, however, as I personally am skeptical of the Newark Natural Foods coop's ability to keep fresh product in stock. But I do think that this company needs to do something in terms of maintaining an active relationship with their resellers--perhaps making them sign a contract to toss the batch or sell it on clearance after a certain date.
The price is reasonable. I really wish I could know how fresh this tea is. It was stored in an airtight container in a dark part of the store, but it may still have been quite old.
Alex Zorach (1453 reviews) on Apr. 8th, 2013
Purchased at the Newark Natural Foods coop in Newark, Delaware. I suspect that this may not have been very fresh.
Aroma is peppery and slightly fruity. Smooth flavor, but mild. Flavor slightly sour. Overall character a lot more like shu (ripened) Pu-erh than like other Yunnan gold teas I've sampled. Upon drinking the whole cup, there's a bit of an astringent finish, like a strong Assam or Irish Breakfast.
I was really not impressed. This was one of the least impressive black teas I've sampled from Yunnan province. I want to hesitate to pass judgment on Two Hills Tea, however, as I personally am skeptical of the Newark Natural Foods coop's ability to keep fresh product in stock. But I do think that this company needs to do something in terms of maintaining an active relationship with their resellers--perhaps making them sign a contract to toss the batch or sell it on clearance after a certain date.
The price is reasonable. I really wish I could know how fresh this tea is. It was stored in an airtight container in a dark part of the store, but it may still have been quite old.
Page 1 of 1 page with 2 reviews